Friday, 23 September 2011

A Glorious Weekend (Originally posted on Jan 31st 2011)

Some of you will know that I study Applied Theology at Moorlands Bible College near Bournemouth, as part of my second year I am required to spend five weeks working with a church in the UK. Thanks to the wonderful establishment that is Greenbelt I met a chap called Alex Gowing-Cumber who is the vicar of All-Saints Church in Chafford Hundred near London.

The placement doesn’t start until the 19th of February but I felt I should a) get a head start and b) get to know the place a little bit so I came down on Saturday afternoon and have spent the weekend here. I’m currently sat in the coffee shop in the Beacon Centre (the community centre the church is set in. I will be sure to post photos when I’m back.) This post are some of my thoughts, experiences and reflections of these last few days.
Arriving on Saturday mid-afternoon after a four and a half hour train journey I was met at Chafford Hundred Station by Alex who promptly whisked me back to the Vicarage for tea with the vicar (Kat his wife was there also). We spent a good couple of hours chatting about how I was finding Moorlands, more detailed aspects of what the church was like and what to expect this weekend. I make it sound very formal, it was so relaxed. I suppose my writing style doesn’t particularly lend itself to informal writing…
I loved hearing their recollections of their Moorlands studies, trying to work out what has changed and what is still the same will be a fun little game for the three of us when I come on placement I think! In-fact we’ve decided I should mine some quotes from their dissertations and then while I’m here challenge them on whether or not their theology has changed on certain issues. Should be interesting!
In the evening we came down to the Church and Alex showed me round the building. It is shared by both the church and the Beacon Centre (a children’s centre who share office and building space), I will be staying in a room next to their offices for the time I’m here. Comfortable, warm, homely and quiet at night (unless certain people are also staying for a night or two, in which case conversation, debate and discussion is far more prevalent than sleep!!). Pennie and Liz arrived for the Goth Eucharist and we had a coffee and a chat, other people then filtered in; Jodi, Kat and a few others joined us and we had a great reflective service on hidden and visible scars. What is beautiful? It was a very encouraging, uplifting time of worship and reflection.
Pizza and coffee followed with some quality banter then while others filtered away myself and Liz stayed up till the early hours (about 0345) discussing feminist theology, tattoos, piercings, disability, sexuality and other random topics.
At 0900 Sunday morning we were on our way with Alex to Saint Mary’s Church (unsure where it is exactly…) where he was taking a service. Apparently it was cold, I wasn’t convinced.
Rushing on back to All Saints Church there were two baptisms, Linda and Jodi. Both lovely girls (Linda being early forties I think but Jodi having just turned eighteen I think I can refer to both of them as girls, anyway it’s semantics so let us not get too bogged down in them!) Having had a great service (even though I was blindsided by Alex and dragged up to the front, wonderful…) I proceeded to meet many of the church members. I have to say they’re frakking lovely! I’ve already had at least two invitations to dinner at peoples’ houses and everyone keeps telling me they’re looking forward to me coming to work here. I generally respond by telling them they won’t be saying that at the beginning of March…
After the service a group of us went down to the pub to celebrate the baptisms, it was epic craic. There was fluctuating attendance but the core group were myself, Liz, Jodi and Joanne (I do hope I’ve spelled that correctly, if Jodi reads this she can correct me or congratulate me). We had some great chats, I was called handsome (yeah, I know. What?!), discussed evolution, epistemology (thought I certainly didn’t refer to it as that, just knowledge) and I managed to peddle my conspiracy theorist agenda to Jodi. Let us hope that I can convince her of the corporate control of British government while I’m here! ;-)
I have had a fantastic weekend, having met many new people I have begun to reflect on the importance of acceptance and community. I am especially looking forward to building relationships here with people who are exploring their knowledge and understanding of faith, Christianity and church. I think that this will be one of the most productive and enjoyable aspects of the placement, relationship and personal encouragement.
I love you all and I look forward to spending a much longer period of time with you. See you all on the other side!
The Rambler x

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